Accessing K8S pods



This is some note, nothing serious. DO NOT cite from this article.

1. Forwarding a Local Network Port to a Port in The Pod

When you want to talk to a specific pod without going through a service (for debugging or other reasons), Kubernetes allows you to configure port forwarding to the pod.

This is done through the kubectl port-forward command. The following command will forward your machine’s local port 8888 to port 8080 of your e.g kubia-manual pod.

$ kubectl port-forward kubia-manual 8888:8080
... Forwarding from -> 8080
... Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 8080

1.1. Connecting to The Pod Through the Port Forwarder

In a different terminal, you can now use curl to send an HTTP request to your pod through the kubectl port-forward proxy running on localhost:8888.

$ curl localhost:8888
You've hit kubia-manual

2. Service Object

Each pod gets its own IP address, but this address is internal to the cluster and isn’t accessible from outside of it. To make the pod accessible from the outside, you’ll expose it through a Service object. You’ll create a special service of type LoadBalancer, because if you create a regular service (a ClusterIP service), like the pod, it would also only be accessible from inside the cluster. By creating a LoadBalancer type service, an external load balancer will be created and you can connect to the pod through the load balancer’s public IP.

2.1. Creating a Service Object

To create the service, you’ll tell Kubernetes to expose the ReplicationController you created:

Using YAML file
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubia
  - port: 80 # service's port
    targetPort: 8080 # the forward-to port by service
  selector: # all pods labeled `kubia` will follow/select this service
    app: kubia
Apply the service:
$ kubectl create -f kubia-srv.yaml
Using kubectl CLI options
$ kubectl expose rc <rep-controller-name> --type=LoadBalancer --name <lb-name>
$ kubectl expose rc kubia --type=LoadBalancer --name kubia-http
service "kubia-http" exposed
Remotely Executing Commands in Running Containers:
  • You’ll also need to obtain the cluster IP of your service (using kubectl get svc, for example)

$ kubectl exec kubia-7nog1 -- curl -s
You've hit kubia-gzwli

2.2. Session Affinity on the Service

If you execute the same command a few more times, you should hit a different pod with every invocation, because the service proxy normally forwards each connection to a randomly selected backing pod, even if the connections are coming from the same client.

If, on the other hand, you want all requests made by a certain client to be redirected to the same pod every time, you can set the service’s sessionAffinity property to ClientIP (instead of None, which is the default), as shown in the following listing.

Service with ClientIP Session Affinity Manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  sessionAffinity: ClientIP
  • Kubernetes supports only two types of service session affinity: None and ClientIP.

  • Kubernetes services don’t operate at the HTTP level. Services deal with TCP and UDP packets and don’t care about the payload they carry. Because cookies are a construct of the HTTP protocol, services don’t know about them, which explains why session affinity cannot be based on cookies.

2.3. Exposing Multiple Ports in the Same Service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubia
  - name: http
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
  - name: https
    port: 443
    targetPort: 8443
    app: kubia

2.4. Using Named Ports

You can give a name to each pod’s port and refer to it by name in the service spec.

Specifying port names in a pod definition Manifest:
kind: Pod
  - name: kubia
    - name: http
      containerPort: 8080
    - name: https
      containerPort: 8443
Referring to named ports in a service Manifest:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  - name: http
    port: 80
    targetPort: http
  - name: https
    port: 443
    targetPort: https

3. Connecting to services living outside the cluster

Instead of having the service redirect connections to pods in the cluster, you want it to redirect to external IP(s) and port(s).

This allows you to take advantage of both service load balancing and service discovery. Client pods running in the cluster can connect to the external service like they connect to internal services.

3.1. Service Endpoints

Services don’t link to pods directly. Instead, a resource sits in between—the Endpoints resource. You may have already noticed endpoints if you used the kubectl describe command on your service.

Full details of a service:
$ kubectl describe svc kubia
Name:             kubia
Namespace:        default
Labels:           <none>
Selector:         app=kubia
Type:             ClusterIP
Port:             <unset> 80/TCP
Session           Affinity: None
No events.

An Endpoints resource (yes, plural) is a list of IP addresses and ports exposing a service. The Endpoints resource is like any other Kubernetes resource, so you can display its basic info with kubectl get.

$ kubectl get endpoints kubia
NAME     ENDPOINTS                                           AGE
kubia,,     1h
Manually Configuring Service Endpoints
  • having the service’s endpoints decoupled from the service allows them to be configured and updated manually.

  • If you create a service without a pod selector, Kubernetes won’t even create the Endpoints resource

    • after all, without a selector, it can’t know which pods to include in the service

  • To create a service with manually managed endpoints, you need to create both a Service and an Endpoints resource

A service without a pod selector: external-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: external-service # must match the endpoints name
  - port: 80
  • Endpoints are a separate resource and not an attribute of a service

  • Because you created the service without a selector, the corresponding Endpoints resource hasn’t been created automatically

A manually created Endpoints resource: external-service-endpoints.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
  name: external-service # must match the service name
  - addresses:
    - ip:
    - ip:
    - port: 80 # target port of endpoints

4. Exposing services to external clients

Few ways to make a service accessible externally.

  • NodePort Service Type

    • Each cluster node opens a port on the node itself (hence the name) and redirects traffic received on that port to the underlying service.

    • The service isn’t accessible only at the internal cluster IP and port, but also through a dedicated port on all nodes.

  • LoadBalancer Service Type, an extention of NodePort type

    • This makes the service accessible through a dedicated load balancer, provisioned from the cloud infrastructure Kubernetes is running on.

    • The load balancer redirects traffic to the node port across all the nodes. Clients connect to the service through the load balancer’s IP.

  • Create Ingress Resource, radically different mechanism for exposing multiple services through a single IP address

    • It operates at the HTTP level (network layer 7) and can thus offer more features than layer 4 services can

4.1. Using a NodePort service

By creating a NodePort service, you make Kubernetes reserve a port on all its nodes (the same port number is used across all of them) and forward incoming connections to the pods that are part of the service.

This is similar to a regular service (their actual type is ClusterIP), but a NodePort service can be accessed not only through the service’s internal cluster IP, but also through any node’s IP and the reserved node port.

This will make more sense when you try interacting with a NodePort service.

A NodePort service definition: kubia-svc-nodeport.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubia-nodeport
  type: NodePort # service type
  - port: 80 # service's internal cluster IP port
    targetPort: 8080 # target port of the backing pods
    nodePort: 30123 # service will listen on port 30123, each cluster nodes
    app: kubia
Examine the NodePort Service:
$ kubectl get svc kubia-nodeport
NAME             CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
kubia-nodeport   <nodes>        80:30123/TCP     2m

EXTERNAL-IP column shows <nodes>, indicating the service is accessible through the IP address of any cluster node. The PORT(S) column shows both the internal port of the cluster IP (80) and the node port (30123). The service is accessible at the following addresses:


  • <1st node’s IP>:30123

  • <2nd node’s IP>:30123

  • and so on

Using JSONPath to get the IPs of all your nodes

You can find the IP in the JSON or YAML descriptors of the nodes. But instead of sifting through the relatively large JSON, you can tell kubectl to print out only the node IP instead of the whole service definition

$ kubectl get nodes -o \

Once you know the IPs of your nodes, you can try accessing your service through them.

$ curl
You've hit kubia-ym8or
$ curl
You've hit kubia-xueq1

4.2. Exposing a service through an external load balancer

Kubernetes clusters running on cloud providers usually support the automatic provision of a load balancer from the cloud infrastructure. All you need to do is set the service’s type to LoadBalancer instead of NodePort. The load balancer will have its own unique, publicly accessible IP address and will redirect all connections to your service. You can thus access your service through the load balancer’s IP address.

If Kubernetes is running in an environment that doesn’t support LoadBalancer services, the load balancer will not be provisioned, but the service will still behave like a NodePort service. That’s because a LoadBalancer service is an extension of a NodePort service. You’ll run this example on Google Kubernetes Engine, which supports LoadBalancer services. Minikube doesn’t, at least not as of this writing.

Creating a Loadbalancer Service
A LoadBalancer-type service: kubia-svc-loadbalancer.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubia-loadbalancer
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    app: kubia
  • The service type is set to LoadBalancer instead of NodePort. You’re not specifying a specific node port, although you could (you’re letting Kubernetes choose one instead).

Connecting to the Service Through the Load Balancer
$ kubectl get svc kubia-loadbalancer
NAME                CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)       AGE
kubia-loadbalancer    80:32143/TCP  1m
Session affinity and web browsers

Because your service is now exposed externally, you may try accessing it with your web browser. You’ll see something that may strike you as odd—the browser will hit the exact same pod every time. Did the service’s session affinity change in the meantime? With kubectl explain, you can double-check that the service’s session affinity is still set to None, so why don’t different browser requests hit different pods, as is the case when using curl?

Let me explain what’s happening. The browser is using keep-alive connections and sends all its requests through a single connection, whereas curl opens a new connection every time. Services work at the connection level, so when a connection to a service is first opened, a random pod is selected and then all network packets belonging to that connection are all sent to that single pod. Even if session affinity is set to None, users will always hit the same pod (until the connection is closed).

4.3. Understanding the peculiarities of external connections

You must be aware of several things related to externally originating connections to services.

Understanding and Preventing Unnecessary Network Hops

When an external client connects to a service through the node port (this also includes cases when it goes through the load balancer first), the randomly chosen pod may or may not be running on the same node that received the connection. An additional network hop is required to reach the pod, but this may not always be desirable.

You can prevent this additional hop by configuring the service to redirect external traffic only to pods running on the node that received the connection. This is done by setting the externalTrafficPolicy field in the service’s spec section

  externalTrafficPolicy: Local
Being Aware of the non-preservation of the Client’s IP

Usually, when clients inside the cluster connect to a service, the pods backing the service can obtain the client’s IP address. But when the connection is received through a node port, the packets' source IP is changed, because Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) is performed on the packets.

The backing pod can’t see the actual client’s IP, which may be a problem for some applications that need to know the client’s IP. In the case of a web server, for example, this means the access log won’t show the browser’s IP.

The Local external traffic policy described in the previous section affects the preservation of the client’s IP, because there’s no additional hop between the node receiving the connection and the node hosting the target pod (SNAT isn’t performed).

5. Exposing services externally through an Ingress resource

You must be aware of several things related to externally originating connections to services.

Understanding Why Ingresses are Needed
  • each LoadBalancer service requires its own load balancer with its own public IP address, whereas an Ingress only requires one, even when providing access to dozens of services

  • When a client sends an HTTP request to the Ingress, the host and path in the request determine which service the request is forwarded to

  • Ingresses operate at the application layer of the network stack (HTTP) and can provide features such as cookie-based session affinity and the like, which services can’t

Understanding that an Ingress Controller is Required

To make Ingress resources work, an Ingress controller needs to be running in the cluster.

5.1. Creating an Ingress resource

An Ingress resource definition: kubia-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: kubia
  - host: #  maps the domain name to your service
    - path: /                        # All requests will be sent to port 80
      backend:                       # of the kubia-nodeport service.
        serviceName: kubia-nodeport  #
        servicePort: 80              #

This defines an Ingress with a single rule, which makes sure all HTTP requests received by the Ingress controller, in which the host is requested, will be sent to the kubia-nodeport service on port 80.

Note Ingress controllers on cloud providers (in GKE, for example) require the Ingress to point to a NodePort service. But that’s not a requirement of Kubernetes itself.

5.2. Accessing the service through the Ingress

To access your service through, you’ll need to make sure the domain name resolves to the IP of the Ingress controller

Obtaining the ip Address of the Ingress:
$ kubectl get ingresses
NAME      HOSTS                ADDRESS            PORTS       AGE
kubia     80          29m

When running on cloud providers, the address may take time to appear, because the Ingress controller provisions a load balancer behind the scenes.

  • The IP is shown in the ADDRESS column.


Once you know the IP, you can then either configure your DNS servers to resolve to that IP or you can setup hosts: add the following line to /etc/hosts (or C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows):


So you can access the service at using a browser or curl

5.2.1. Understading how Ingress work

  • The client first performed a DNS lookup of, and the DNS server (or the local operating system) returned the IP of the Ingress controller

  • The client then sent an HTTP request to the Ingress controller and specified in the Host header

    • From that header, the controller determined which service the client is trying to access, looked up the pod IPs through the Endpoints object associated with the service, and forwarded the client’s request to one of the pods.

  • The Ingress controller don’t forward the request to the service

    • It only use it to select a pod

    • Most, if not all, controllers work like this

5.3. Exposing multiple services through the same Ingress

Both rules and paths are arrays, so they can contain multiple items

5.3.1. Mapping different services to different paths of the same host